Please also find below information for your consideration. You are encouraged to apply if you are interested.

The Harmony Leland Elementary School is going to offer two places to the interested HK schools to have a two weeks attachment study to the school's teaching model. This school follow closely with the Bernstein Model which is one of the music learning model and apply to all areas of school learning . You could find more information in the attached pamphlet. More information could be find in the web:( This school have been so successful and is one of the mentoring schools in that State.

Feb 2005 (during Chinese NY school holiday)

Harmony Leland Elementary School in Atlanta , USA

Target School
School that are interested to adopt the model and is ready to try out after the teacher comes back to HK. The school is also ready to receive the students fo their school in April 05 in HK.

Interested schools are invited to send a mail to Peter KH WONG ( indicating their school's initial interest by the end of Nov 2004. Follow up briefing will be organized in early December 2004. (See attached file: TheGrammyFoundation.pdf)

Edwin Poon
Secretary of IAIE (HK)